Friday, February 15, 2008

Expo Zaragoza 2008 world class shows

who is that man? this is a man that when hired to run the aerial design for Tarzan and other walt disney musicals a few years ago and asked by a national (argentinian) journalist whether he had the fear to be good enough he replied by saying:
No podés medir las alturas. Si te ponés a ver cuál es la altura de un pico, te asustás y no lo subís. Supongo que es como estar surfeando: se te viene una ola gigante y no la medís; te mandás....i suppose it is something like surfing: if a huge wave comes, you dont measure just surf...

This was 3 years ago. Now Pichon Baldinu has created a show called ""Hombre Vertiente" divided in 3 parts: one in the scene (mankind realises that it is a victim of...chaotic water), second one a transition between the scene and the arena (...remember the aerial theatre that made them famous as De la Guarda ...) and third and last one, the total communion...

4 million euros is the budget for this partly circus, partly theatheraerial and partly dance performance that will last for around 20 minutes with 6 daily shows...

You can see the other 2 permanent shows in previous entries : the iceberg and the snake chasing clouds shows. EnjoY!

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